About estellar7

I am a person with a whole lot of hats. I am a thinker, a creator, a mother, a wife, a contributor and a helper.

0: Celebration

to observe an occasion with appropriate ceremony or festivity.

Approximately 500 curious art lovers attended our Affordable Art Extravaganza on Saturday 15th September 2012 to view the amazing display of 900 artworks and to enjoy the live entertainment, food and drinks on offer.  The Darlington Hall and Pines park were decorated with flags and bunting (which featured a drawing by every child in Treetops) and the festival atmosphere was enjoyed by all.

The very talented Challenge Artists arrived at 4.30pm for a private viewing and a chance to meet each other and discuss their work.  There were 76 artists involved in the project and it was a wonderful half hour of creative interaction and celebration.

The Challenge Artists

By 5pm the crowds had started to gather outside the Hall and we opened the doors to the public.  A steady stream of people wove their way through the exhibition and we were amazed to see the line immediately begin to form.  By the time the hall was cleared just before 7pm, for opening speeches to commence outside, there were 300 eager purchasers in the queue.

Terri Fitzgerald kicked off the opening proceedings by reading the rules of the sale, and when it was announced that purchasers could buy as many artworks as they could carry, the crowd cheered!

Crowd during the opening proceedings

Mundaring Shire President, Helen Dullard opened the event along side Treetops Principal, Norman Megahey and as they rang the school bell to signal the commencement of the sale, the crowd were off!  The ensuing two hours was an art buying frenzy with 520 artworks removed from the wall to be purchased with big smiles all round.  Everyone who participated in the sale did so in a happy and patient manner and by all accounts they really enjoyed the event.  With bags of artworks in hand, the sales participants made their way home recounting tales of the most exciting and inspiring art exhibition they had ever attended.

Opening Address by Shire of Mundaring President, Helen Dullard.

The Second Chance Sale began at 1pm on Sunday and again was very well supported by the community with a further 30 artworks leaving the walls.

The weekend was great fun and the 30x30x30 team are very happy with the outcome of their many months of planning and preparation.  We will share the proceeds from artwork sales with the Challenge Artists and we hope to have raised over $12,000 for our School from the event.  This will be of great benefit to Treetops, but perhaps the most valuable outcome of the 30x30x30 Challenge is the connections that Treetops has made with the community.  We have connected with a large group of Artists, Sponsors, Businesses, Local Government and community members whose partnership and friendship is highly regarded and appreciated.  We have had great feedback from the event and many requests for Treetops to run another 30x30x30 Challenge again in the future.

Our sincere thanks once again to all members of the Treetops Community, the Artists, the Sponsors, the Supporting Businesses and all the Volunteers. You are responsible for making this event a great success for the Children of Treetops.

It Was Fabulous!

If you made it along to the 30x30x30 Art Extravaganza over the weekend, I’m sure you will agree with me that the event was spectacular.

I arrived at 5pm with kids and husband in tow. We were immediately staggered at the number of people flocked around the Darlington Hall. The colourful flags and bunting gave such a delightful festive ambiance. There was already a line well established to purchase the art. It struck me that I had better get in to see the exhibition at its finest before it was too late.

As I walked in the door of the Hall I was overcome with pride in the parents from Treetops Montessori School that made this all happen. The works of art displayed were incredible. I was speechless as I milled around from one display of 30 works to the next. Each one captivating me, some speaking deeper to my soul than others.

I was delighted to meet some of the artists who came along to the event. A display such as this almost strips you bare as an artist – 30 days can have a lot of warts. Some days better than others. The challenge of producing a piece a day over a 30 day period is quite something, and each person that contributed ought to be very proud of their achievement.

In particular I was delighted with the artwork put together by the Treetops Artists. Few of us have been formally trained in art, and I think we did pretty well! It was a very humbling experience being a part of something such as this, and having my work displayed amongst very accomplished artists.

As the clock ticked on there were speeches and thanks. The excitement in the air was tangible as the opening of the sale was getting closer.

Then the bell rang…

I was located on the checkout, so only saw the final result of the process. Every person I spoke to was absolutely delighted with their pieces. A highlight for me was meeting the person who bought both of my pieces. I’m not sure who was more excited… her or me!

The community came together from far and wide. There were children, grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters, all a part of the event. Thank you to everyone who came along and supported our School.

Well Done Treetops!

PS – I can’t wait to see some pictures!


1: Countdown

the backward counting in fixed time units from the initiation of a project, as a rocket launching, with the moment of firing designated as zero.

thanks for the pic: http://www.last.fm/music/

Well here we are on the final stretch before the big exhibition this Saturday. The point where all the hard work of the artists and volunteers comes to fruition.

The 30x30x30 Art Challenge is nearly here!

There is a sizzle of excitement around with the organizers buzzing around with last minute lists.The band is organized, the food is planned, the alcohol licenses sorted, t shirts printed, the list goes on and on and on.

Of course their poor brains are doubting with horrible thoughts…”have I ordered enough?” or “are they going to come?” never far from their minds. This of course is silliness…. Of course they are going to come! Who in their right mind would miss out on this incredible show?

The troop of helpers in the wings has grown in the last week, with husbands and friends coming to the rescue for last minute items.

The people who have organised this event are second to none. They have spent hours upon hours of their time bringing this fabulous event together.

I take my hat off to all of you that have participated in bringing this event to life…  you all inspire me.

Don’t forget that the viewing of the entire exhibition opens 5pm there will be people coming from far and wide. To get the full effect of the enormity of this exhibition, make sure to get there on time – the sale starts at 7pm (start lining at 6:45pm) this Saturday the 15th September at the Darlington Hall, Owen Rd, Darlington WA.

There are also the most fabulous booklets for the event with pictures of each piece of art and info on the artists. I will certainly be buying one of these as a reminder of this awesome event.

I am really quite excited about it – can you tell?

2: Circles

To move in a circle or circuit around; rotates or revolves around…

Where did the 30x30x30 Art Challenge begin all those months ago?

Do you remember the posts? The journey through the 30 weeks as we have introduced artists, seen amazing acts of generosity from sponsors, and watched the artists individual journeys through an incredible feat of creativity.

30: Call

The door to the Art Room at Treetops Montessori School, Darlington WA

We called out for artists to join our cause

29: Consensus

The process of deciding which artists would participate this year after an overwhelming response of applications

28: Community

Acknowledging the special people around us

27: Curtain

Anticipation as we draw close to introducing our first lot of 10 artists (or groups of artists)

26: Conductor

An artists brush or a conductor’s baton?

25: Commitment

Acknowledging the huge commitment by those who have become a part of the 30x30x30 Art Challenge

24: Canvas

The history of the canvas as a medium for art – more interesting than you may think!

23: Collaboration

Celebrating the work that some groups are doing for the 30x30x30 Art Challenge

22: Comment

Encouraging the participating artists to tell us about their own personal journey through this project

21: Children

Remembering that the children of Treetops Montessori School are who this project is being done for

20: Contributor

Random works in the Treetops Art Room

Thanking the sponsors for the first 10 artists

19: Contemplations

Acknowledging the meditative thought process involved in creating

18: Consider

The first delivery of 30 art works have arrived, we are awed and amazed.

17: Chance

Allowing serendipity a place in the creative process

16: Conversations

Unpicking the art of communication and it’s relationship to our creativity

15: Connection

Celebrating the beautiful relationships Treetops Montessori School is building with the extended community

14: Change

The season has changed in the Perth Hills, and the 30x30x30 Art Challenge is in full swing

13: Captivated

We are awestruck by the colourful deliveries of art works arriving at the School

12: Cultivate

How we each nourish our creative ideas

Woolen art by Treetops Montessori Students

11: Champion

Thanks to the second group of sponsors for this amazing event

10: Crystallisation

The moment when creative inspiration turns into something more concrete

9: Conundrum

A tongue-in-cheek look at my own challenge for this project

8: Continuity

Chaos and consistency in our lives as parents

7: Chord

Music and art, investigated again

6: Creditable

Thanks to the last 10 of the wonderful sponsors of this event

5: Contagious

We love how a good idea spreads

4: Construction

How we intend to display 900 works of art

3: Curious

Treetops is a hive of activity for the young artist

Information of the event, the exhibition of art on the 15th of September 2012 at the Darlington Hall, Perth Western Australia.

2: Circles

Here we are, back at where we started. The circle of this blog complete, however the 30x30x30 Art Challenge Grand Finale, the Exhibition of the 900 works of art that have been produced by our 30 exceptional artists.

Stay tuned now for the final installments!

4: Construction

something that is constructed, a structure

So can you imagine 900 works of art? Yes you read that right… 900 works of art in one exhibition. This is what we are going to have the pleasure of seeing at the inaugural exhibition for the 30x30x30 Art Challenge. This is not only an amazing feat of creativity by our participating artists, but is also an incredible logistical problem for the organisers.

How do you display 900 pieces of art? How do you manage to get the crowds past all 900 works in a timely manner, allowing each person the freedom to look at each work that grabs their eye?

This is where it all begins…

Blocks plus boards…

Coming together...

The construction process in full swing

A sneak peek at the final construction product

To see the final product of this feat of construction, I urge you all to come along to the Exhibition of the 30x30x30 Art Challenge on the 15th September 2012 at the Darlington Hall, at 5pm. This will be your opportunity to view and purchase art for only $50 per canvas. More information will come soon so stay tuned.

It is going to be spectacular.

Each of us is carving a stone, erecting a column, or cutting a piece of stained glass in the construction of something much bigger than ourselves.
Adrienne Clarkson

5: Contagious

…tending to spread from person to person
Have you ever heard the term “a germ of an idea”?
The 30x30x30 Art Challenge is one of those ideas. The whole concept of 30 artists (or groups of artists) producing 30 works of art each in a 30 day period is unique and inspiring. So much so, I want to tell everyone about it.
Why are all these artists giving so much of their time and creativity? To help Treetops Montessori School – a little independent school set in Darlington in the Perth Hills (Western Australia). This school is one of the most nourishing environments for a child’s soul that I have ever seen. My children have been lucky enough to have experienced the melting pot of Montessori schooling in this spacious, tree-filled environment. There is room to breathe, play and learn.
This little school has recently benefited from the government stimulus package (thanks Kevin for the low interest loan) and has had a whole new high school building. The high school now has rooms dedicated to science, music and art. This building is fresh, airy and unfortunately quite empty of resources. THIS is why the 30x30x30 Art Challenge came about. If we can give these children opportunity to shine, we will see extraordinary results. The proceeds from the 30x30x30 Art Challenge will go directly to the Arts facilities at Treetops Montessori School.
Thank you dear artists, sponsors and friends who have given so much of their time and efforts to help this little school grow. We hope you can see the benefits you bring in the coming years.

Let this idea be contagious, let people know about this project, let friends and family come and enjoy the exhibition. Let them hear about the opportunity to buy works of art for only $50 a piece. Affordable art for everyone. There is an invitation to the event on facebook – head here to invite your family and friends!


It is going to be extraordinary.

7: Chord

the simultaneous sounding of a group of musical notes, usually three or more in number

http://forums.chiffandfipple.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=67719It’s not a secret, I am a muso at heart. It comes from learning violin from an early age and continuing on through TEE music. It’s a bit of a tragedy really that the old violin only gets dusted off once in a blue moon.

So why am I delving into my musical past you ask?
The truth of it is, I feel there is an awful lot of synchronicity between music and art. I know, not exactly a ground-breaking revelation. Artists have been waxing lyrical about this for centuries. In fact, isn’t the foghorn picture one of the first examples of this from back in the 1920’s?
To me it is a wonderful thing to look at a piece of art and unpick the layers, just like unpicking the individual notes in a chord.
You have the base note, possibly the intent behind the art. The deep emotions connected with the artist and their production. The base note is one which sets the mood, the tone of the piece. Much like we talk about perfumes, it is the base note that sticks with us the longest. As an artist myself (if amateur) it is exactly these base notes that are the most important to me. If I can make someone feel something through my art I have succeeded. As one of my dear friends said to me once “I don’t care if someone doesn’t like what I have created, as long as they have a feeling about it. Nice is not a word I want to hear”.
Next up the chord would be the middle notes. I view these as the form and materials that the artist uses. The paints, or clay. Chalk or fabric. What is it that is going to bring this creation to life? What colours are going to be used? What is the connection between those colours and emotions?
And at last there is the top notes. The sweetest of them all and for me, I like to think of these as the finishing layers of the art. Possibly the final touches and detail on a painting, or the glaze on a piece of clay work. This top note is what you see when you look closely. When you step right up to a painting and look at the brush strokes and the little dabs of colour that might have otherwise escaped your attention.
After picking to pieces the chord, after contemplating the connection, I certainly have convinced myself that this connection is most certainly a strong one.
Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.
Sean O’Casey

8: Continuity

the state or quality of being continuous. Flow, progression…
Thanks to Landscape Designs for this pic http://www.playlsi.com/explore-products/product-lines/freestanding-components/playground-climber-mobius-climber/Pages/Mobius2.aspx
Ahh sweet continuity, where art thou?
I can tell you from this bloggers desk, it ain’t here! I have had my “Mum” hat on this past fortnight with school holidays upon us. No doubt there are a good portion of you, dear readers, who have been in a similar state of turmoil.
What does make me laugh is that we plod through our children’s term times, day by day, wishing for the school holidays. We dream of a peaceful cup of tea in the morning instead of the usual “What do you mean you can’t find a pair of matching socks?” conversation. Of course the reality is vastly different. Is there really such a thing as a peaceful school holidays?
In any case, I am here to blog about continuity, not carry on like a two-bob watch!

Peaceful continuity.

Continuity does not rule out fresh approaches to fresh situations.
Dean Rusk

To me, continuity is part of the cycle of life. I find I often reflect back to how we connect with nature, and how we fit in with it all.

Continuity is essential, it is the one thing that gives us consistency and a definite reference point for our chaotic lives. We can always count on the rising of the sun, the shift of the seasons, the position of the stars in the night sky. We count on the rhythms of life to bring us a sense of grounding and stability.

For our children, there will always be dinner on the table, there will always be clothes to wear and safe places to play. How blessed we are.

So, fellow parents, let us be continuous for our children and relish every moment of chaos in our lives.