1: Countdown

the backward counting in fixed time units from the initiation of a project, as a rocket launching, with the moment of firing designated as zero.

thanks for the pic: http://www.last.fm/music/

Well here we are on the final stretch before the big exhibition this Saturday. The point where all the hard work of the artists and volunteers comes to fruition.

The 30x30x30 Art Challenge is nearly here!

There is a sizzle of excitement around with the organizers buzzing around with last minute lists.The band is organized, the food is planned, the alcohol licenses sorted, t shirts printed, the list goes on and on and on.

Of course their poor brains are doubting with horrible thoughts…”have I ordered enough?” or “are they going to come?” never far from their minds. This of course is silliness…. Of course they are going to come! Who in their right mind would miss out on this incredible show?

The troop of helpers in the wings has grown in the last week, with husbands and friends coming to the rescue for last minute items.

The people who have organised this event are second to none. They have spent hours upon hours of their time bringing this fabulous event together.

I take my hat off to all of you that have participated in bringing this event to life…  you all inspire me.

Don’t forget that the viewing of the entire exhibition opens 5pm there will be people coming from far and wide. To get the full effect of the enormity of this exhibition, make sure to get there on time – the sale starts at 7pm (start lining at 6:45pm) this Saturday the 15th September at the Darlington Hall, Owen Rd, Darlington WA.

There are also the most fabulous booklets for the event with pictures of each piece of art and info on the artists. I will certainly be buying one of these as a reminder of this awesome event.

I am really quite excited about it – can you tell?

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