Challenger 30: Leanne Fry

From Behind Curtain 3, we are excited to announce that Leanne Fry has commenced her challenge and will create 30 artworks in 30 days.  Yes, Leanne is Challenger Number 30!  How exciting!  As of today, all 900 artworks are either completed or underway!  Leanne describes her challenge:

What appealed to me most about this exhibition was the actual “challenge” concept.  By having a timeframe and pushing myself to create one piece every day is definitely going to see me step out of my comfort zone.
I plan to spend the time leading up to my “challenge period” exposing myself to as many artistic influences and practices as possible.  I am hoping that this will allow me to take more risks within the creative process and explore new subjects with vigour.
August is shaping up to be one of the most exciting months of the year!  I will be working in a much smaller space than I am used to so that will be a challenge within itself.  I plan to have lots of interesting materials close at hand so that once I get going I will be free to let the ideas flow and see where the process and the challenge will take me.  I actually cannot wait.

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